Perfect Pancakes

The other day I was listening to the radio and they were talking about what your younger self would be shocked to know about you now?   Ha! Where should I begin?! For instance my younger self used to be able to whoop it up two days in a row no problem. Now, I need…

Float Therapy

Hey, I have a question for you… Why is it that we often link relaxation to the feeling of floating?! Does sound nice though, turning off your mind and escaping to never never land, completely weightless. Well, what if I told you that I could do you one better??? That relaxation AND floating on water is…

Stuffed Squash

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. KIDDING!!! I think I’d like to bask a little bit longer in all the fall colours, mind you I could do with just a little less rain. I feel like I’m back in the UK, all that’s missing is the bangers and mash. But seriously how great…

Flavour Town Lettuce Wraps

Wine tasting. I’ve only done it twice, and the reason is that I don’t get to sample many…only one really. I’m a total lightweight which quickly leads to drunk Alexis, but if you ask best friend Trish drunk Alexis is so much more fun. My first experience “tasting” was in Napa which obviously was amaze balls,…

Thanksgiving Pie Party

You know fall is here once pumpkin flavoured everything is upon us, and this year I am ready to jump in head first. BRING ON THE PUMPKIN!!! There was a time back in my youth when I would have considered the flavour of pumpkin an old person dessert, but then something changed. Not sure what it…

Chocolate Chip Brownies

I think by now you’ve all managed to figure out that I haven’t always been the poster child of health, and up until about 9 years ago I hated (actually hate may be too strong of a word) I disliked beans. Now that being said, there are a few instances where beans belong: in my…

Birthday Breaded Chicken

Growing up there was always one thing I looked forward to – BIRTHDAY PARTIES! Candles on the cake, games galore, party favours, or as we liked to call them “loot bags”. But as we age, the classic birthday party rituals slowly start shifting focus to booze. Personally I’d rather go back for seconds possibly even…

Green Bean Goodness

Get ready because today’s story-time features yet another “I can’t believe Alexis use to eat THAT!” blog entry. CANNED VEGETABLES! Yep! I ate them! Well, I ate them when my mother succeeded with her mind games, because unless it looked like a chicken finger or a pizza bun….I would have needed a Wendy’s frosty promised…

Roasted Cauli Carrot Arugula Salad

Wake up in the morning and *claps hands* WE’RE GONE!!! Famous words (along with the action) that I have been saying my whole life the night before I hit the road for a vacation. I think it was a way for my mom to get us all jazzed before a holiday. It’s funny because when…

Date Squares

How is it August already?! August…say it with me – AUGUST!!! I feel like I should be on the look out for the big sale on road salt to appear at Costco, because it won’t be long now until we’re shovelling our driveways again. But seeing as it’s only August I wanted to say this;…

Summer Salad with a bbq flavour flare

I read an article recently that said writing a blog is like running a marathon. Now don’t shoot this messenger, this was a comparison made by someone else. But if I take a step back I can sort of see the comparison… Sweat, tears, stress, hair pulling, nail biting, these are just some of what…

Dairy Free Ranch Salad Dressing

Why is it that when something smells really bad we want to share that experience with everyone around us? For instance you would say: “What’s that horrible smell?!?” Then immediately everyone around you takes in the biggest breath of life, just to be sure to get a really good whiff??? Same thing goes for when…